Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What is your pH level?

A popular concept in modern health and wellness, especially amongst holistic practice is balancing the body’s pH level. It is believed that a healthy body is one that is slightly alkaline. If you recall from science class in school, pH is a measure of acidity/alkalinity of an aqueous solution i.e. water. pH stands for "potential of hydrogen" and is associated with the concentration of Hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, and anything lower than 7 is considered acidic. On the contrary, anything above 7 is known as basic or alkaline.

If you don’t know about protons and electrons, then you don’t truly know about pH. That is because pH is determined by how many free protons vs free electrons are contained within a solution. More protons than electrons = acidic = lower pH (low potential of hydrogen). More electrons than protons = alkaline = higher pH.

So if a low pH/acidic environment is associated with illness and disease, then does it mean we have too many protons and not enough electrons? If so, how do we fix this? We need to get more (and lose less) electrons. Where do electrons come from? The earth’s magnetic field (the ground), mineral water, and food. The more electrons you get from grounding (think about trees) and the more clean water you drink the less you need to eat.

People today for some reason like to use food as their sole source of electrons. Perhaps because most people live a disconnected life from nature, and don’t frequently make bare-skin contact with the ground, or drink nearly enough pure water. Additionally, they put themselves in an environment that causes them to lose electrons rapidly, leading to an acidic state in the body (i.e. chronic exposure to blue light frequencies, and microwave/radio frequencies found in modern technology). These artificial forces slowly remove electrons in our intracellular water by shrinking the exclusion zone essentially dehydrating and acidifying us. When this occurs excessively, you cannot fix it with food, although your body’s instinct is to try (hence chronic hungry).

Analogy time: suppose you have a live plant in your home. You keep it by the window so it can absorb sunlight, and you water it twice a day. Your plant thrives. Now, suppose someone punctured a dozen holes at the bottom of the flower pot, and you notice your plant is starting to look a little dry and droopy. So you decide to water it 3 times a day, but it still doesn’t seem to help. This is the equivalent of a human in a chronically shitty environment, causing a loss of electrons faster than they can be restored, leading to an energy deficient state.

pH is not just a number that tells us if we are acidic or alkaline. It tells us the status of electrons, and our energy potential. The more energy potential we have, the healthier we will be.

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