Thursday, February 2, 2017

Energy Flow and Stuff

So I was out for a walk just the other day. It was chilly outside, but the sun was out. I’m not sure if anyone really takes the time to observe these types of things, but oh man how amazing it feels to be cold and warm at the same time. The cool, crisp air with the warmth of the sun brought upon a pleasant euphoria. I then began to think about why this occurred, and I realised I was using light and magnetism simultaneously to increase my energy flow. Light from the sun shining down on me, entering through the retina of my eye, delivering electricity throughout my body, with the help of the increased magnesium due to the cold air (cold increases the strength of a magnetic flux). Of course I am always well hydrated, so there’s the water aspect in light, water and magnetism.

In my last blog post, I wrote about pH and what it truly means. The more electrons we have, the more potential energy we can have. And when we lack electrons and have too many protons, we have less potential energy, higher acidity levels which is essentially inflammation. Therefore inflammation and illness is due to a lack of energy flow in the body, because we are lacking light, and/or water, and/or magnetism.

How do these 3 natural forces interact? Well, light from the sun contains photons, which have very high energy potential. Photons can act as both waves and particles and travel at the speed of light. Einstein’s photoelectric effect states that when a photon hits matter, it interacts with electrons, creating a photoelectron. Basically, when an electron absorbs a photon, it becomes "powered" building momentum and essentially generating a current. This current drives all the biological processes and feedback loops in the body to keep us well. Water is the key conductor of electricity; it is essentially a battery and used to capture energy and hold a charge.

So back to the whole purpose of this blog post. Why did I feel so good on my stroll the other day? Because the cold increased my intracellular water density, expanding the exclusion zone in my cells. A larger exclusion zone means more electrons, and the more electrons you have, the more photons you can absorb and the greater charge you can hold in your battery. Well that high powered battery of mine gave me a nice release of dopamine in my brain resulting in the euphoria I experienced.

We are all creatures of light. Everything that exists on this planet is solar powered. All we need is water, electrons and photons. The more we can get, the stronger our energy flow and lifeforce will be.

1 comment:

  1. Love this and so agree as I had the same experience with my walks this week!
