Saturday, January 7, 2017

Quantum Weirdness: Parallel Lives?

How many decisions do you face daily? How many possible outcomes are there in every situation you encounter? There are infinite outcomes and pathways our life could follow. However, our recollection is just one. That is because we exist within the physical being that we are and have full control over. Could our life as we know it be a mere projection of sequential events that we perceive as reality similar to a film playing on a screen? Is it a sequence of events that follows one particular set of outcomes, even though infinite outcomes can exist? Quantum physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, and that it exists outside of time and space. Therefore, death is merely the shutdown of our physical body, but our energy within still exists. Where does that energy go? Does it attach itself to another physical body in another universe? Can it exist somewhere else simultaneously?

These are some thoughts I have been pondering lately. We know that we still exist during unconsciousness, because we go to sleep every night and wake up the next morning. We don’t truly understand why we dream, but perhaps through unconsciousness, we exit our physical body and exist elsewhere, in another dimension or universe? I believe so, given that we temporarily lose our awareness of our physical body during sleep, and dreams reflect that of a movie. Sometimes we dream of the past, and sometimes the future. Perhaps a dream can be the projection of another outcome, another path you could have went down, but not the one you chose in your perceived reality. And what about déjà vu? Perhaps this experience is a clue we might be living a parallel life in another universe, and the paths somehow crossed leading to an epiphany of familiar occurence.

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