Monday, January 2, 2017

Photosynthesis to Tree as Oxidative Phosphorylation to Humans

We could learn a thing or two from trees. Trees can live anywhere from 100 to 5000 years. Trees use photosynthesis to convert the sun's energetic photons into chemical energy to sustain life. Sunlight triggers an electron transfer from water to carbon dioxide producing a carbohydrate and oxygen. Humans also convert photons into chemical energy through oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) by eating the high powered electrons from carbohydrates, and breathing in the oxygen to receive those electrons producing water and carbon dioxide which is recycled by the plant. This is how we live in harmony with trees.

The secret to health and longevity lies within the lifestyle of a tree. They are connected to the earth's magnetic flux, with their canopies open to the sun 24/7 so they do not need to eat. This should tell us just how powerful these two forces are in life. Humans are similar, but we have a backup system for when we are intermittently disconnected from the earth's magnetic field during daytime to explore our environment. The backup system involves eating food. Food is a source of electrons, and is required when we are disconnected for too long, because being disconnected means we are not replacing electrons lost to our environment. We do not need to eat at night, because we are (supposed to be) sleeping on the ground, using the earth's magnetic flux to recharge and regenerate.

How disconnected you are from the earth's magnetic field and the sun will determine your long term health. The more connected you are, the less you have to eat, because you are receiving free electrons from the earth's magnetic field. Unfortunately today, most of us live a disconnected lifestyle due to technology and artificial forces that have replaced our real battery chargers: the sun and the earth.

Do you enjoy laying on a beach in a bathing suit soaking up the sun, toes in the sand, and splashing in the waves of the ocean? I'm sure you do. Have you ever stopped to think about why this experience makes you feel so good? This is one of the best ways to be connected.

A tree requires light, water and magnetism to thrive (as seen through photosynthesis). Humans do as well. What happens when you cover a tree with a tarp? You block the sun, and the tree can no longer grow, and eventually dies. This is essentially what humans do when they wear clothes, sunscreen and sunglasses, let alone stay indoors out of the sun, and away from ground. If you find your health is sub-optimal and are struggling with illness, ask yourself if you are covering your three bases: are you getting adequate light (from the sun)? Water (pure, tamper-free/unfluoridated water)? Magnetism (free electrons from the earth)?

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