Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Introduction to Light, Water, Magnetism and DHA

If we want to conquer optimal health and win the war on disease, we need to overcome the ignorance of conventional wisdom that has failed us over and over again, and relearn our biology coupled with quantum physics principles.

DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid found in marine food sources is the only lipid in 600 million years that has the ability to transform sunlight into a DC electric current that powers our central clock (the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus – SCN) to fire up all the circuitry in our body to drive every single biological process. The cell membranes in the retina of the eye contain the highest concentration of DHA in the human body for this exact purpose.

Another key point: DHA CANNOT be produced endogenously in the body. It MUST be consumed exogenously in our diet to be replaced.

With our modern lifestyle, we bathe in a sea of technology, worshipping our cellular devices, tablets, TVs, WIFI, LED lighting etc. which all emit blue light and/or radiofrequencies that dehydrate our cells, and alter the shape and size of our proteins that affect gene expression, not to mention suppression of Melatonin and disruption of circadian rhythms. DHA is destroyed in cell membranes rapidly by chronic blue light exposure, and can only be replaced through consumption of seafood which most lack in their diet.

I cannot help but fear what the future has in store for our children who are exposed to this blue-lit, microwaved world from the time of conception. It saddens me to see how many children are affected today with illnesses that were so rare in previous generations that Doctor's cannot explain.
It’s time we begin to educate ourselves so we can save humanity from the mass extinction that is in progress.

To thrive, we need:

1) Sunlight to power our circuitry
2) Water to hydrate our cells and create a battery/capacitor to hold a charge
3) DHA to capture the sunlight and convert it into a usable electrical signal.
4) Electrons (the input to mitochondria) from food

That is all.…/blue-light-has-a-dark-side

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